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In the Fall of 2012, Dustin & Emily bought their very own pop-up camper; a 1982 Coleman Colonial in need of a bit of work. After some paint, deep cleaning and multiple, problem filled trips to the Secretary of State for a license and title, the camper became legally their's in the early Summer of 2013. They named it...
Cabin C.
Now with their very own camper, Emily & Dustin could join Emily's sister, aunt, uncle and family friends on the annual camping trip to Brevoort Lake in the Upper Pennisula. With the trip in the calendar, and the preparations well under way, Dustin, who had been working on the a way to propose to Emily, thought of the perfect plan.
When he was set he sent a text to Haley...
A few short minutes later, a response...
On one end of the trail, Dustin took a deep breath, and waited.
On the other, Emily was handed a small note, attached to a key, in a mason jar.
On one side it read...
On the other...
What do I love about you?
There are at least 19 things...

Cabin C's Maiden Voyage:

Nineteen Things...and Counting
He started talking with her Sigma Kappa big sister, Sam, and her biological sister, Haley, about his ring choice and proposal. Together they polished the proposal Dustin had in mind into something simple, short and above all else...
100% Emily & Dustin.
So after getting her father's permission the weekend before and scoping out the campground for the perfect location, on the 6th day in Brevoort, Dustin set out to get everything ready while Haley distracted Emily. He placed all the notes along the trail to the old Brevoort Campstore, and sat at the end of the trail with the last note and the ring.
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